Behind the Controller: Nick Tanis
· Introduce yourself!
-My name is Nick Tanis, and I live in Illinois. I’ve been married for almost seventeen years to my wife Jessica, who I started dating in high school, and I’m a father of two daughters, five cats, three fish, and an axolotl! I enjoy riding bikes, working on cars and computers.
· How many years in Extra Life:
– I’ve been playing for Extra Life for ten years as of this year.
· How much raised (lifetime):
-Over my years of playing, I’ve raised $6,896
· What is your favorite game, or type of game?
-My favorite games include Mechwarrior, Rocket League, Diablo 3 and Monster Truck Madness. I enjoy racing games the most.
· How did you find out about Extra Life, and why did you decide to get involved?
· -I found out about Extra Life through my friend Gary, a fellow Extra-Lifer. I donated to him, and then I signed up.
· What does Game Day look like for you?
-For the past few years, game day for me typically begins in the afternoon with my family. As my daughters have gotten older, they have been able to stay up later and play with me, which keeps me motivated. It is a great time of playing, bonding, and doing something that helps others in need.
· What are you looking forward to in the new year (from a gaming, Extra Life, fundraising perspective)?
-Since becoming a father, I cannot imagine the pain that families endure when a child is sick. I have been lucky to have healthy and happy kids, and I want to help others who are not as lucky in any way that I can. I was able to raise 2,000 this year, which enabled me to earn the keyboard through the generous donations from my family and friends. I am looking forward to continuing to increase my goal and playing more often with my kids.
· Anything else you want to share 😊
· -I’d like to thank everyone who has donated to me over the years. I’d also like to thank my Wife and Daughters for supporting me through the years.